Divnich eats at the Electronic Entertainment Design and Research has argued that the Xbox 360 will prefer Playstation 3 of this feast, in a controversial advertising married with EDGE Magazine. The analyst said Sony should "strongly believes, " cut the price of equipment before Christmas.
"[Between Sony and Nintendo,] Sony should be the most concerned [about the 360's price cut]," Divnich declared. "...Going into this holiday season, the PS3 will not only have the highest price point, but also the smallest software library, weaker line-up of exclusive titles (compared to Xbox 360’s Gears of War 2 and Fable 2), and a less popular online network."
Divnich claimed that manufacturing costs underlay Sony's refusal to shave a few figures off the PS3 price tag. "I suspect that the reason why Sony has been so adamant about maintaining its current price point is because it has not reached a more efficient scale in its manufacturing of the PS3."
"Long-term, I don't think anyone doubts the success of the PS3," he went on. "However it is currently looking like the Xbox 360 will win another holiday season against the PS3 in North America."
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