Call of Duty: World at War Perks List

A little over a week ago we leaked a rumored list of perks for Call of Duty: World at War. We can now confirm that the list was in fact 100% accurate, with perks such as Juggernaut, Martyrdom, and Sleight of Hand making a return. Overall, 15 of the 33 perks are new, with unique additions such as the M2 Flamethrower and Toss Back.

Check out the full list below:

Perk 1:

- Special Grenades x3
- Satchel Charge x2
- M9A1 Bazooka x2
- Bomb Squad
- Bouncing Betty x2 (similar to claymores)
- Bandolier
- Primary Grenades x2
- M2 Flamethrower

Perk 2:

- Stopping Power
- Fireworks (explosives cause more damage)
- Flak Jacket (decreases damage taken by explosives)
- Gas Mask
- Juggernaut
- Camouflage
- Sleight of Hand
- Shades (decreases intensity of signal flares)
- Double Tap
- Overkill

Perk 3:

- Deep Impact
- Extreme Conditioning
- Steady Aim
- Toss Back (resets fuse on tossing back enemy grenade)
- Second Chance (ability to revive allies)
- Martyrdom
- Fireproof
- Dead Silence
- Iron Lungs
- Reconnaissance (shows artillery and tanks on map)

Vehicle Perk:

- Water Cooler
- Greased Bearings
- Ordnance Training
- Leadfoot
- Coaxial Machine Gun